

Jul 13, 2023

JC to offer fiber

Fiber School Director of Training and Products, Joe Cairone (center right) shows the Jones College Fiber Optic Installer instructors, Cody Robertson (left), Brian Dossett (center back row), Seth Pierce (front left) and Evan Smith (right front) the proper placement of fiber optic cable in the Fusion Splicing A Splice Tray.

Jones College’s Advanced Technology Center will be offering the Certified Fiber Optic Installer course through Workforce Development during the summer session. Currently, four college employees are being trained to teach the class which would be a 40-hour course offered at the Advanced Technology Center in Ellisville.

“We’re always looking for career paths that have a family sustaining wage. Students that successfully complete the course can expect to make $20 to $27 an hour as a starting wage, for this in-demand skill,” said Webb Evans, dean of the Advanced Technology Center. “We know that ‘fiber’ is not going away and most of our electric cooperatives are currently installing the fiber broadband infrastructure.”

Upon successful completion of the Fiber Optic Installation Training Course, graduates of the program will be able to layout, install or maintain fiber optic cabling systems.

For more information about the course, email Webb Evans at [email protected] or call the Jones College Advanced Technology Center at 601-477-4114.

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